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What inspires you?

So today is September 21st on a Saturday night and I can hear the crickets chirping outside as I write this . The topic for today is “inspiration”, and how important it is. This topic especially means a lot right now because I was having a little bit of writers block for the past couple of days, and I didn’t want to just post anything on my blog. Sometimes you get stuck in a rut and nothing is flowing, if you’re an artist you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Its the same reason why music artists don’t just put out any ol music even though the fans might be desperate for an album. Its because the artist knows that if they just create music for the money or desperate fans, the music isn’t going to sound good. This is why a lot of music artists keep a lot of toys around and in their houses to keep the creative juices flowing.

Which reminds me of myself, the other day I went for a walk in the park with my mother and I felt so inspired and came up with multiple blog post ideas. Seeing the trees’ leaves with yellow color and orange just transformed something inside of me. I don’t know what it is, but every time fall comes about I just get so inspired and it adds greatly to whatever art form I am trying to communicate in. It’s the color of the leaves, the brisk cold air, the piles of leaves on the ground, the holidays, etc etc.

Like I said before, this is why a lot of music artists keep trinkets around their house that inspire them so that they can always have creative juices flowing [ I’ve watched enough MTV cribs growing up to know this is true ]. So I guess the next question is, what inspires you? What inspires you to create? To communicate through your art form?

Inspiration is a tricky thing to understand sometimes, like it can work against common logic. For example, a person who is overweight can get inspired to lose weight because they keep getting made fun of, or maybe they keep getting rejected when it comes to dating. In this case the inspiration was negative and didn’t work how conventional inspiration would.

Marketing I like to say functions approximately like inspiration, because with marketing your trying to inspire the consumer to take action. So that’s it for today, today is a short posting on the blog, just wanted to write a little about inspiration. Thanks for reading and if you have any questions, you can always shoot me a message!


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