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Go green green green!

Today I want to visit something I talked about in an earlier blog post about having a green thumb print. I was at work a couple days ago, and I was mopping the floor and I heard on the radio a commercial for wise snacks talking about their green initiative project and how it plants trees, and something snapped in my head, again. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again, it’s the industry standard to have some form of a green project in whatever business, or organization you are running.

It’s no secret that us humans, in the name of energy, fashion / textiles, agriculture, pharmaceutical industry, crypto mining to name a few, are destroying the planet. Or at the very least polluting it at a rate that we can’t come back from. So most major organizations do have some form of a green initiative. The link below shows wise snacks green project.

I’m truly amazed with what these green think tanks come up with, when they put their heads together, like for example making clothes from recycled plastics. Here is one company that is leading the way in recycled clothing.

But like I said before, green has some challenges as well. When I’m at the grocery store I have to be careful not to over pack my paper grocery bag, because the groceries will fall through. It happened the other day lol, but its kool because I know what it stands for, more than the average person.

I remember watching a documentary about Ghana, and how they have a whole industry built on used clothes from 1st world countries. When I watched it I was surprised, thinking to myself who would want to wear used clothing or sell it like its brand new? But there’s the old saying that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” That is true at the grocery store I work at and others as well, I’ve seen many homeless people dig in the trash just to collect some cans so they can get 10 cent off a each one. I’ve also watched a Chinese documentary about retirement and how senior citizen women make a living recycling old card board etc etc. So yea, trash is a very big business.

The power of recycling can’t be underestimated, you can literally take waste water with fecal matter in it and feed it through a waste water treatment facility and get fresh drinking water out on the other end. Sounds good to me.

Here is a video of a waste water treatment plant in Namibia

Also here is coca-cola’s green project page

You see, one thing I never understood, is how can people use timber / trees for energy or fire wood when there is only so much available. It’s not like people are growing trees in a lab somewhere, to replace or offset all the cut down trees. Trees take decades to get how big and thick they are. And people think they can just go and cut down trees whenever they’re cold, it doesn’t work like that.

So anyways that was my little rant about green projects, hope you enjoyed. If you like what you read you can subscribe, and if you have any questions you can shoot me a message! Thanks for reading.


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